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Diamonds North Resources recognizes the potential associated with discovering Canada's next diamond mine and is positioned to seize that opportunity. With increased consumption and supply shortages anticipated, the potential for profit in the diamond industry will surpass expectations.
- The current level of demand for diamonds, particularly for those of high colour and quality, is not being met by the world's producing diamond mines, nor are there any known available stockpiles.
- A new Ekati sized diamond mine would have to be brought on stream every two years to meet the current level of demand.
- New demand from Asia and the Middle East is expected to drive consumption to exceed production as early as 2008.
- Rough diamonds recovered from the Fox kimberlite at the Ekati diamond mine were valued at $125/carat prior to 1998. BHP Billiton has recently reported that those same diamonds are now valued at $270/carat, more than a 100% increase in less than 10 years.
- Aber Diamond Corp. (30% owner of the Diavik Diamond Mine) announced an increase in net earnings by 28.3% and an 11% increase in sales compared to their previous fiscal year.
- African producers are reporting record prices for rough and increases as high as 30% from 2005.
- DeBeers, the world's primary diamond seller increased rough prices 10% in 2003, 14% in 2004 and 9.5% in 2005.
- Retail sales of diamond jewellery in the United States increased 6.1% in 2006 to $35.2 billion in 2006, a $2 billion increase over 2005 sales of $33.2 billion.
- World rough diamond production of US$12.9 billion becomes US$19.3 billion in polished diamonds and ultimately, it progresses to US$64.5 billion in worldwide diamond jewellery sales.